Freedom Dianetics
Traumatic Incident Erasure & Recovery
Tools for Converting Past Traumas into the Wisdom of Experience
Freedom Dianetics is for anyone who wishes to improve him/herself by exploring and re-examining past incidents so that the contents of these are returned to full awareness and persistent tensions and pressures can be thereby released.
Traumatic or upsetting incident reduction and erasure are incredibly simple concepts. The mind records these events and retains portions separately for later reference. Only no one was ever trained or told where they were and how to access them. Actually, they are not in any other area than the mind. They are set aside in the unconscious areas for eventual "slow release" processing. Some of this comes up in your dreams. Some of it comes out watching movies or plays or listening to music. Meanwhile it affects one negatively, to some degree, because it builds up and easily triggers back into some degree of its original force when similar perceptions are encountered in living. There is a way to discharge these more rapidly and permanently, and that is to bring them into full conscious view. One is directed to close his/her eyes (for focus, though it can be done eyes-open with somewhat more distraction). This is best done in a session with a trained counselor, but can be attained to some possibly helpful degree with enough persistence and effort by oneself (in this case, keeping ones eyes open and writing what you see in a journal is strongly recommended). If it's that easy, why didn't you tell us a long time ago!?! Okay, so here's the thing. Not everyone is up to confronting whatever might appear about their past. Past use of drugs, medicines and alcohol can distort memories and their pictures and get in the way of locating or releasing traumatic incidents. Yet as long as one has not used anything like that recently (within the last week or so), it's worth a try. Most people can remember recent upsets and need to talk about it. It is the way to get relief - even if it's just you writing it out on paper. The Real History of Dianetics Okay, so here's another thing. Dianetics has been suppressed. Dianetics has been abandoned. It has been made complicated. Dianetics - first conceived by Josef Breuer as a talk therapy under light hypnosis regression, has a long, complicated history, including its earliest version being ruined by Sigmund Freud (who rapidly turned it into evaluative psychotherapy and made it unworkable). A version of it was used to recover World War I soldiers who suffered PTSD from combat neuroses and psychoses. That was too simple and drug-free, and the pharmaceutical interests quickly put it down. Evil psychiatrists at the head of government facilities and research decided they had no use for it, preferring to electroshock and drug their patients instead, thereby keeping them under control or putting them to death, depending on their unbalanced, sinister whims. One of those evil shock doctors (William Sargant) visiting America after World War II, passed around a manuscript (later edited into book form and released as "Battle for the Mind") to doctors who worked at top-secret government facilities like St. Elizabeth mental hospital and Chestnut Lodge - psychiatrists and interns, including one L. Ron Hubbard - summarizing uses of Josef Breuer's abandoned talk therapy. L. Ron Hubbard, already trained at the age of 12 by a student of Sigmund Freud (a Navy Commander named Joseph "Snake" Thompson), received one of these manuscripts and somehow, by means no one has been allowed to know, Dianetics was either turned over to Hubbard or else he seized upon it - along with his own researches in Hollywood and his intern* work at a Georgia sanitarium - and conceived it as a book of his own. * note that there is no way Hubbard could have entered these top-secret facilities and Georgia psychiatric hospital without security clearances or credentials, and Hubbard was never a psychiatric (medical) student! In 1947 Hubbard wrote "Dianetics: The Original Thesis" and in 1948 passed it around as copies of his manuscript, developing further interest (but rejection from mainstream psychology and mainstream medicine). In 1949 Hubbard wrote "Dianetics: Evolution of a Science" generating further interest and anticipation for a promised book, attracting readers of science fiction and psychology students. L. Ron Hubbard finally contracted with a psychiatric books publisher and wrote and released "Dianetics: The Modern Science of Mental Health" in May 1950, and a self-help movement was born. (Note that Hubbard claimed to some that his book was "made up fiction" which is another clue that he was seeking to cover the actual purpose of his activities.) The first Dianetics Foundation was led and supported by government-connected principals on the Board of Directors, and Hubbard himself had just "resigned" from the U.S. Navy where he had been serving as an intelligence officer, having been groomed and selected for such work at least as early as his voyage through the Panama Canal at age 12, whereby he was mentored by U.S. Naval intelligence agent Commander "Snake" Thompson. Now in this first Dianetics Foundation Hubbard was apparently serving government and military interests in finding ways to deprogram or proof military and intelligence personnel captured and interrogated during the Korean War, and for future use in proofing up such agents and to enhance knowledge of the value of debriefings including, if necessary, using hypnosis. L. Ron Hubbard's brilliant mind and his keen interest in understanding his own mind was being used by the deep state to bring about a movement of rebels (young men who tended to reject conventional religion and avoid authoritarian supervision) that could be so channeled into an activity where they could be watched and monitored. "The Good Old Days With Hubbard" "Dianetics in Limbo" "Doctor's Report on Dianetics" (Joseph Winter) (download not yet available) "Lifelong Intelligence Career of L. Ron Hubbard" (this research is not available at this time) But the cat was out of the bag. Ordinary people capable of reading and following the simple directions of Dianetic auditing were helping each other in their own homes and small centers, to heal from trauma, with amazing physical recoveries and release of ability. As the years went on, Hubbard lost Dianetics to the huge debts he ran up (one estimate was that over a million dollars disappeared - shall we say "laundered" and made available to the same agencies who had worked to establish it?) and his first act was to destroy his own work (he had a number of his lecture tapes destroyed before they were returned to the Wichita Foundation unusable). Hubbard was already at this early date of 1951 making Dianetics complicated and somewhat less workable, although new research and writings were incredibly valuable and added to his growing collection of popular books (1951 - "Science of Survival" and 1951 - "Self-Analysis"). Hubbard eventually got Dianetics gifted back to him, but was now onto something interesting and therapeutic in its own right - "Scientology" - a "spiritual science." Dianetics during this time had been badmouthed by Hubbard himself, and there was no rush to put it back. "New" techniques had replaced it. After years of tremendous progress in the new Scientology movement - made into a "religion" in 1954 - Hubbard in 1963 worked out a new set of auditing procedures he labeled "Routine 3R" ("R3R"). This was a simple, powerful procedure which accounted for the tendency of recipients to run chains of incidents that extended before - sometimes long before - the present life time. Called "whole track" - this became a preparatory basis for "Scientology clearing." In 1966 Hubbard refined and simplified Dianetics procedure for introductory use, and this still forms the basis of Dianetics Seminars done since that time and still done in the Church of Scientology. In 1969 Hubbard wrote extensively on Dianetics and worked out a new "Standard Dianetics" expanding on his R3R procedure and teaching it to new auditors. This development, it could be said, matched in importance a later refinement "replacing" it in 1978: "New Era Dianetics." Students, staff and field auditors during this period 1969-1980 (overlapping until New Era Dianetics took over fully) made prolific and wildly successful use of Dianetics, expanding Scientology's organizations and missions into its largest membership, greatest participation and most favorable public relations in all its history. Killing the Goose that Laid the Golden Egg Although accounts may vary, and no one can say for sure, 1972 was a turning point for Hubbard and his Dianetics and Scientology projects. Saint Hill Special Briefing Course young student of 1964-1966 Geoffrey Filbert (whom Ron and Mary Sue Hubbard assigned to run the Washington D.C. organization starting around 1969) developed and gifted Hubbard with an adapted and expanded form of Dianetics R3R auditing which became the "PTS Rundown" (using Dianetic engram running to discharge encounters with troubling relationships which had their roots in the whole track). Unbeknownst to lead auditor and Executive Director Geoffrey Filbert at that time, Hubbard was so interested in his innovations that he seems to have had the Washington D.C. folder room monitored when all had gone home for the night, and Geoffrey's auditing programs copied, which Hubbard used to help solve troubled cases (the "Psychotic Research Bulletins"). And by 1972 Hubbard was releasing his own developments of this new approach to Dianetics case programming as "Expanded Dianetics" (after making some of its advanced elements "secret" - placed on a new series of auditing rundowns known as the "L's" - the most rigorous and expensive auditing therapy ever developed - ever). Geoffrey Filbert - "Excalibur Revisited" Expanded Dianetics, Filbert's expansion of Hubbard's R3R into deep areas of case, reached down to the very roots of evil - evil purposes, evil impulses and evil intentions - and Hubbard expertly developed it into an auditing technology suitable for wide use among highly trained auditors. The programs were carefully customized and the cases "touchy" (this remains to this day, the deepest auditing of all) but the concept remained simple. One could be sent to re-experience trauma underlying heavy decisions made under duress, with decisions formed under that duress to carry out hostile, destructive acts in ones future, yet so buried in the unconscious that one was not ordinarily aware they even existed or where the impulses and overpowering feelings came from. These are the impulses that underlie criminality anywhere, though most people are able to successfully withhold them and restrain themselves from acting them out - or for some people, they are lucky enough not to have these triggered at all. Yet, if such impulses get stirred up and acted on enough so as having to be restrained, they can become so uncomfortable as to cause illness or psychological disorder. This makes Expanded Dianetics a modern miracle, since psychiatry and psychology to date has still not suspected that such impulses are rooted in deeply buried trauma that does not easily come to view in the course of routine trauma therapy. Back to 1972, Hubbard was rushed away (to Queens, New York) from his Expanded Dianetics research on the Apollo ship, and growing success of this new development, in the fall of that year. Hubbard emerged "white as a sheet" from over an hour of interrogation (and who knows what else) during his arrival into a D.C. airport. From then on, it was "war" (see "Snow White program") on certain US government agencies (a case of the left wing not know-wing what the right wing was do-wing - lol). While some have advanced theories that the "real" L. Ron Hubbard disappeared in 1972, let's be clear and honest here. Hubbard had long been on a roller coaster of ups and downs - destroying his own work and, besides a little third party of his own here and there, sticking a knife in the back of ardent and loyal supporters - since 1951 (1953, 1955, 1959, 1963, 1965, 1967, 1968, 1970, 1977, 1981). L. Ron Hubbard reportedly physically destroyed "Creative Processing" in 1959, as he had done with Dianetics (1952) and the use of an e-meter for auditing (1954) - both events right after he lost rights to full control and sale. Now you may have thought that I am out to save Dianetics from David Miscavige, the deep state and the World Nazis and their psychiatrists. True! But folks, I am also working here - reclaiming - Dianetics from L. Ron Hubbard's dark side, to some extent - for the common man, and that includes YOU. In 1978, after Clears and "OTs" had successfully improved their cases dramatically with Expanded Dianetics programs, Hubbard suddenly "discovers" that "Clears" should "no longer run Dianetics." Then, as if that wasn't bad enough, he and David Mayo moved "New Era Dianetics" (an acceptable replacement, but far less accessible to new auditors) to "after Scientology Grades" and offered almost no more Dianetics than "Book One" (based on first book - now "Dianetics Seminars") for incoming applicants for auditing, then declaring folks "Dianetic Clear" and "good to go" (on to advanced levels) sometimes with only a few Dianetics hours completed, without, in most cases, any venture at all through the original, carefully mapped and strictly warned not to skip, R6EW level (Grade 6) and Clearing Course (Grade 7). David Miscavige, a tool of the deep state, further seized on this and locked down Expanded Dianetics with impossible requirements for organization staff to meet (meaning to this day NO Expanded Dianetics ANYWHERE outside Flag and Advanced Organizations). L. Ron Hubbard, under advice from deep state operative David Miscavige (a young punk from Philadelphia who bullied his way to the top) turned on his own mission networks - whose mainstay was Standard Dianetics - sent the "Finance Police" as "Heavy Hussar Cavalry" led by - listen to this one - the "International Finance Dictator." You heard that right. "Dictator." It was a "wild dramatization of the bank" on Hubbard's part and group psychotic break for the rest of Scientology that ripped the church apart and left Standard Dianetics and Expanded Dianetics (the promise of repaired civilization) going up in something like a dumpster fire. Once again, these moves - all under Hubbard's direction and approval - effectively wiped out Standard Dianetics and even, for the most part, Expanded Dianetics (the handling of EVIL in a human being!). And We the People are instead supposed to "stand down" - accept "copyrights" (on vital human knowledge) - and take psychiatric medications concocted from toxic heavy metals (lithium, fluoride, to name but two) - and check in to $200+ psychiatric counseling sessions!?! I don't think so. You really - if you'll forgive me for a moment here - don't know how angry this writer is, once again, looking over Hubbard's sinister betrayal of humanity after pretending to be working for "clearing the planet" - but instead pulling Power processing from ordinary use (which could have stabilized the population of earth with real therapy, had it been allowed to spread like John McMaster's co-audit seminars had started before Hubbard's Guardian's Office stole his e-meters and chased him out of New York City under threat of psychiatric imprisonment - he died alone after that - a broken man - of alcoholism). Maybe Hubbard should be the one doing the "Kali Ceremony"? (Look that up as done on the Apollo ship in the early 1970s.) "I hate myself and all mankind, but I pretend I am a friend to all." (This is a war on Hubbard, the ego-centric madman that no one - including Mary Sue in the end - was able to stop, not on Hubbard the brilliant auditing developer.) Professional, "New Era" Dianetics is now available in the church mainly only to those who embark on a tens-of-thousands-dollar auditing package through the Grades (although quite worthwhile actions) - all from an auditor who also went the long-way round (compared to the simplicity and effectiveness of Standard Dianetics) through years of expensive training, just to perform embarrassingly simple actions that used to be taught to brand-new auditor trainees in off the street and through no more than a Comm Course (communications drills). Here it comes. This genie is not going back into the bottle. So this. Freedom Dianetics. Freedom from the Church of $cientology and a curse on those who dare to interfere with us. Freedom from David Miscavige, who is headed for utter failure on a scale you cannot imagine. Freedom from L. Ron Hubbard. A thank you with appreciation, to the brilliant researcher and the care and time he took to make most of what he put out for our therapeutic use, work so well. But freedom from his destructive impulses and decision to "pull it from use" (just as he warned us would happen implying others would one day be the bad guys) and leave it in the hands of a deep state operative that he had hand-picked with full power (ethics authority to declare or send to the RPF on the spot) after decimating the Mission Network, to head a committee of government lawyers who set about destroying $cientology and then put L. Ron Hubbard to an early death by accelerating a dangerous interaction of Vistaril and alcohol - but not before they (Ray Mithoff, David Miscavige, Pat Broeker) had him sign the organization over to them in January 1986, essentially stealing it from his heirs. It is not likely that the Church of $cientology will ever reform with a full Truth Commission (including on L. Ron Hubbard and his destructive policies and actions done in his state of mental decline over unhandled evil purposes - including insatiable greed). Therefore this website is actually a bypass of the highest, most entrusted friends of L. Ron Hubbard left on the planet, to put ethics in for real and restore correct technology back in place for posterity. Other than that - and tough if you don't like it - I just don't care what $cientology or any stubborn-ass zealot thinks, who won't read the reports and won't care a flip for people who were hurt or killed in this long, nasty progression carrying out the will of some of the darkest forces on this planet. THIS. IS. A. CONFRONT. OF. EVIL. FOR. REAL. This site has the answers to Evil, now protected against the increasingly evil, blindly remaining in an organization that has been pretending to protect its unprecedented, real, "solutions" for mankind. But yet for some of whom have gone so cynical they have practically sought by neglect, to almost completely wipe Dianetics out. Witness the sad - nay, vicious - results of David Miscavige's treason. They do not own Dianetics. The people own Dianetics. This website is dedicated to those who will avail themselves of a simple but powerful technology that is in the end, only made up of the exact, right things to do and say to guide a person through their journey into past trauma, and to get that trauma reduced or erased, and send the person properly completed on such a journey, back into the world a brighter, better person who can now improve conditions all around. All the training materials you will need, with the exception of New Era Dianetics (see the 1991 version Tech Volumes for the full series of those bulletins) are here on this website. I sincerely hope you can make use of it. -Scott Gordon - FreeScientology - founder and developer 11 January 2025
Here is what is coming with Freedom Dianetics:
BEGINNING DIANETICS is still mainly for the body - for a well and happy person - it is the Standard Dianetics auditing needed at the beginning of the bridge, restored to its proper place CLEARING DIANETICS is still a pursuit after the Grades - venturing into zones of the mind and spirit into the whole track, as the thetan-plus-body is taken through the force bank to DIANETIC CLEAR* [* Scientology Clear is no longer abandoned and no longer given false equivalency to Dianetic Clear - it is its own higher state, culminating in Original OT IV - Freedom from Implanting - and must not be bypassed] ADVANCED DIANETICS is no longer only for the body or mind, but addresses the spiritual being anywhere ever needed on any level along its Route to Infinity |